Car Accidents

According to the the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there are over 5 million car accidents in the United States every year. If you are involved in one, we can help you get the recovery you need to get back into the driver seat.

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Fighting For Justice After a Car Accident

Learn What You Should Do After You Have Been In A Car Accident

When people are involved in car accidents, it is common for a sense of confusion to set in. Even if people think that they are uninjured, soreness and pain can set in days after the accident. There are steps that everyone involved in a car accident should take to protect both their health and legal rights.

If you have been involved in a car crash and want to pursue compensation, contact a skilled injury lawyer who can help. BBB Attorneys are dedicated to protecting their clients’ legal rights and getting them the compensation that they deserve. 

"The Insurance Information Institute reports the average claim for bodily injury after a collision was $20,235 in 2020, while the average property damage claim was $4,711." -

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What steps should I take immediately after a car accident to protect my rights?

    After a car accident, it's crucial to prioritize your safety and well-being. Ensure everyone involved receives necessary medical attention. Contact the police to report the accident and obtain an official report. Gather information from the other parties involved, including their names, contact details, and insurance information. If possible, document the accident scene, take photos, and gather any witness statements. Avoid discussing fault or accepting blame. It's important to consult with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible to protect your rights and discuss the specifics of your case.

  • What types of compensation can I seek for my injuries and damages resulting from the car accident?

    In a car accident claim, you may be eligible to seek various types of compensation. This can include medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, property damage, and potentially other damages depending on the specific details of your case. The types and amount of compensation will vary based on factors such as the extent of your injuries, impact on your daily life, and the negligence of the responsible party. 

  • How long does it typically take to resolve a car accident claim?

    The timeline for resolving a car accident claim can vary depending on various factors, including the complexity of the case, the severity of injuries, and the cooperation of the parties involved. Some car accident claims can be resolved through settlement negotiations, which may take several months to a year. If the case goes to trial, the timeline can be longer due to court schedules and the litigation process. 

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Attorneys and paralegals are available 24 hours a day to answer questions regarding your potential case.

(203) 562-0900 or fill out this form to reach an attorney.

Car Accidents

What Happens Next?

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Once you complete the form with your name and contact information, it will be sent to the professionals at BBB Attorneys via secure connection.

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Within 24 business hours, one of our staff members will review the information submitted and call you regarding your case.

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When a representative from BBB Attorneys calls, you can expect them to follow up with additional questions that will help determine whether or not your case is viable. If it is, we will explain next steps in filing a claim!

Initial Steps to Take After a Car Accident

Whether the driver of the car or a passenger, the first thing that anyone should do is call the police. The officer is required to fill out a police report that will detail the facts of the accident. This report is solid, impartial evidence of who is at fault in the collision. The next recommended step is to visit an emergency room or urgent care clinic.

On top of providing treatment for a person’s injuries, this also creates evidence for the claim. It is extremely important to document all the medical treatment and bills for the case. This will aid our car accident attorneys in negotiating with insurance companies and presenting the case at a potential trial.

How Long Do I Have to File a Car Accident Claim?

One other aspect for bicycle accident claims in Connecticut must be kept in mind. The legal concept of statute of limitations places restrictions on when an injured party may file a complaint in court.

Connecticut Statute 52-584 states that a claim for personal injury must be made within two years of the accident. While this may seem like a long time, treatment and negotiations with insurance companies can last for months. Time is of the essence; contact BBB's accident attorneys today.

Proving Negligence in an Accident Case

In any case where there is negligence, several different factors need to be considered in order to receive compensation. These factors include:

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Duty: Duty is the idea that people in certain situations have a responsibility to protect others. Whenever anyone drives a car, they have a duty to drive in a safe manner so that others are not injured. In the example, the duty is clear since the other person was driving a car.

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Breach: A breach of duty is when a person violates their duty by either taking an action or failing to do something. Here, rear-ending another car sitting at a red light is a fairly straightforward example of a breach of the duty that all drivers have to drive in a safe manner.

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Cause: Next, a plaintiff must demonstrate that it was the breach of the duty of care by the defendant that caused the injuries. In this example, the plaintiff must be able to prove that their injuries were caused by the accident.

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Scope: A plaintiff must also show that the injuries were foreseeable considering the facts of the case. Suffering strains to the neck and back are certainly foreseeable from a rear-end accident, for example.

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Damages: Lastly, a plaintiff need to show that there are, in fact, medical injuries that were a result of the accident.

How BBB Attorneys Can Help You

It is understandable to be anxious after a car accident. From wondering what kind of medical treatment you should get to navigating how to fill out complicated insurance forms from your carrier, it can be overwhelming. BBB Attorneys are available to help every step of the way. The fact of the matter is that most car accident cases never need to go to court, but if they do, we'll be by your side. Contact us for more information today!

Contact us today by calling (203) 562-0900 to discuss your case with an attorney. We offer free consultations and have offices statewide in Startford, West Hartford, North Haven, New Haven, Cheshire, Southington, New Milford, Simsbury, Waterbury, and most of the state of Connecticut.

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Our Victories


Motor Vehicle Collision

Our client, and her two unborn children, were injured when a car struck them in a parking lot of a grocery store in Hartford County. The injuries caused our client to go into preterm labor.


Dog Bite

After a dog attack caused a non-surgical fracture of our client's knee, we secured a settlement  prior to the commencement of any lawsuit for our client.


Motor Vehicle Collision

Our client was stopped in traffic on the Merritt Parkway on a rainy afternoon. The other driver was not paying attention and slammed directly into our client. 


Workplace Injury

Our client, a construction worker, was injured when his work van was struck during a snow storm. Our office assisted him in recovering monies for his injuries, as well as the property damage to his truck and tools. 

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