Truck Accident Attorneys

Are you a victim of an accident involving a commercial truck? Contact our truck accident lawyers for a free case review and let us fight to get the compensation you deserve.

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Know What To Do After Being in a Truck Accident

Experienced in Truck Accident Claims and Cases in the State of Connecticut

When a person is involved in an accident with a commercial truck, the damages can be severe. Tractor trailers and construction vehicles dwarf cars and create significant force upon impact. While all operators of commercial trucks are required to obtain special licenses, this does not mean that they are always driving with care. When an accident happens and results in injuries, it's important to act quickly in order to fight for the compensation you deserve.

BBB Attorneys work with clients who have been injured in collisions with commercial trucks to obtain the compensation that they deserve. Contact a dedicated injury lawyer to begin your case today.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the common causes of truck accidents?

    Truck accidents can have various causes. Some common factors that contribute to truck accidents include driver fatigue, distracted driving, speeding, improper maintenance, inadequate training, and issues related to cargo loading or securing. However, the specific causes of truck accidents can vary depending on the circumstances of each case. 

  • What are the potential damages I can seek in a truck accident case?

    In a truck accident case, potential damages can include compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, property damage, rehabilitation costs, and any other losses or expenses resulting from the accident. The specific damages will depend on the nature and extent of your injuries, as well as the impact they have had on your life. 

  • What steps should I take immediately after a truck accident to protect my legal rights and strengthen my case?

    After a truck accident, it is important to take immediate steps to protect your legal rights and strengthen your case. These steps may include seeking medical attention for your injuries, contacting the police to report the accident, gathering evidence at the scene (such as photographs or witness statements), obtaining the truck driver's and trucking company's information, and refraining from making statements to insurance adjusters without legal representation. Consulting with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible will provide guidance specific to your case and help ensure you take the necessary actions to protect your rights.

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Attorneys and paralegals are available 24 hours a day to answer questions regarding your potential case.

(203) 562-0900 or fill out this form to reach an attorney.

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What Happens Next?

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Once you complete the form with your name and contact information, it will be sent to the professionals at BBB Attorneys via secure connection.

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Within 24 business hours, one of our staff members will review the information submitted and call you regarding your case.

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When a representative from BBB Attorneys calls, you can expect them to follow up with additional questions that will help determine whether or not your case is viable. If it is, we will explain next steps in filing a claim!

The Laws Behind Truck Accident Cases

Truck accident cases are usually based on the legal theory of negligence. Negligence is when a person fails to take proper care to perform a legal duty owed to another. There are five elements, of a negligence claim:

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Duty: This is the legal requirement that some people have to ensure that no harm comes to others. Duty is created by specific circumstances. In the case of a truck accident, the driver of the truck has a duty to drive with appropriate caution to prevent accidents. Therefore, truck accident cases usually cover the duty requirement.

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Breach: A breach is the failure of a person who has a duty to protect others. Breach can occur by a person’s action, but also by a person’s failure to take action. Truck drivers who speed, fail to stop at red lights, or drive recklessly often are in breach of duty.

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Cause: Plaintiffs need to demonstrate that the breach of duty was the cause of their injuries. If, for example a person’s leg is broken in an accident with a truck, the plaintiff will need to prove to the jury that the accident was the cause of the broken leg.

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Scope: Here, the plaintiff must show that the injuries could reasonably have occurred based on the breach of duty. In truck accident cases, this is almost a given as large vehicles colliding can certainly cause significant injuries.

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Damages: Lastly, the plaintiff must have physical injuries that are documented by medical professionals. For this reason, consistent medical care is extremely important for a successful claim.

Statute of Limitations for Truck Accident Claims

In Connecticut, the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim arising from a truck accident is generally two years from the date of the accident. This means that you have two years from the accident date to initiate a lawsuit seeking compensation for your injuries.

However, it's important to note that there may be exceptions or variations to this general rule based on the specific circumstances of your case. For example, if the truck involved in the accident is owned or operated by a government entity, there may be additional notice requirements or different time limits to file a claim.

To ensure you comply with the appropriate statute of limitations and other relevant deadlines, it is advisable to consult with the expert legal team at BBB Attorneys, that is familiar with Connecticut law. We can assess the specific details of your truck accident case and provide guidance on the applicable deadlines and legal requirements for pursuing a claim.

Types of Documentation That Can Help My Claim

When pursuing a claim for a truck accident, several types of documentation can be helpful to support your case. While the specific documentation may vary based on the circumstances, some common documents used include:

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Accident reports

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Medical records

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Photos and video

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Witness statements

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Employment records

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Insurance information

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Maintenance and inspection records

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Expert opinions

How BBB Attorneys Can Help You

Contrary to popular belief, most truck accident cases are settled out of court. BBB Attorneys can gather all medical evidence, consider police reports, talk to witnesses, and negotiate with insurance companies to end cases quickly, but also with maximum compensation for clients.

If the case does need to go to court, litigators will represent you every step of the way in filing a detailed complaint, from placing exhibits into evidence to preparing you to testify. Aggressive insurance adjusters representing commercial clients try to get plaintiffs to settle quickly for minimal compensation. Our attorneys will speak with them directly so that you do not have to. Take advantage of your legal right to representation. Do not take any chances with your claim, contact us today.

Contact us today by calling (203) 562-0900 to discuss your case with an attorney. We offer free consultations and have offices statewide in Startford, West Hartford, North Haven, New Haven, Cheshire, Southington, New Milford, Simsbury, Waterbury, and most of the state of Connecticut.

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Our Victories


Motor Vehicle Collision

Our client, and her two unborn children, were injured when a car struck them in a parking lot of a grocery store in Hartford County. The injuries caused our client to go into preterm labor.


Dog Bite

After a dog attack caused a non-surgical fracture of our client's knee, we secured a settlement  prior to the commencement of any lawsuit for our client.


Motor Vehicle Collision

Our client was stopped in traffic on the Merritt Parkway on a rainy afternoon. The other driver was not paying attention and slammed directly into our client. 


Workplace Injury

Our client, a construction worker, was injured when his work van was struck during a snow storm. Our office assisted him in recovering monies for his injuries, as well as the property damage to his truck and tools. 

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